The tutorial was found on Pearls, Handcuffs, and Happy Hour. You can also find some other grand ornament ideas on StudioDIY.
Changes I made:
$9.99 ornament pack found at Garden Ridge (Walmart the same amount at $15.00 - too much)
No hot glue needed (funny story about this one)
So, as always when I get a grand idea I want to start it immediately In most cases I move far to fast and forget something, miss a step, or like last time paint my darn carpet. This time was no different. So, I rushed to Hobby Lobby to purchase my hot glue gun - surprisingly Walmart did not even have any in the craft section. Not sure what that is all about. Anyhow, I had my crew with me (great idea right!?) a cranky 3 month old, a son in walking boots, and a pre-teen with a lack of patience. So, I let them follow me swiftly to the right section and found my one item -- the glue gun.
I get in the car hand General the package and make my way home. When arrived home, after giving my baby boy a healthy serving of milk, I took all the items out I looked at the packages and low and was a Glue Gun HOLDER. Poor me. My lovely child General replied, "I was wondering why you only bought a stand without the glue gun." Thanks child!
Great news though, I bought awesome ornaments that were securely attached all together already so I did not need an glue gun. #Winning
Also, mine had a huge gap or as 2 Chainz says....the ceiling was missing. LOL So, I added a bow (yes, another trip to Garden Ridge -- I'm not complaining)
Bonus: My hubby found spray paint -- red spray paint and went crazy. So I had the opportunity to dress up our mailbox too!
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday!!
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